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Giant (Large Scale) 3D Printer

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University of Plymouth




Plymouth, Devon, UK

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Looking at research and previous attempts at large/unlimited build volume 3D printers, most are stationary and small in scale or have a fixed build volume. The fixed or small-scale of the printer's limit part size, which means the 3D print may have to be split. This reduces effectiveness and increases overall design and print time. The design includes a rigid modular frame, which allows quick transportation as 5 modules. Stepper motors drive each axis, including a pulley system for the y axis that can drive wheels or run in a railed configuration. The y axis can therefore be extended/printed directly onto a floor or large print surface. The design uses dual Z and Y motors to support the large frame and very heavy tooling such as multiple print heads or CNC/laser work.


KEYWORDS: Giant/Unlimited, 3D Printer, Microcontroller.


To build a larger scale 3D printer with auto bed leveling and server controlled within a £500 budget. 

My University Year 3 Stage 4 Giant 3D Printer Individual Project.

With the link below you can see all the MEng/BEng (Hons) Robotics [Individual Projects] from the 2020-2021 year including mine and also be able to see last year (2019-2020) projects. This includes poster's, an abstract and keywords for the project and also its video.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering Projects and MEng Group Projects can also be viewed alongside other schools including Civil and Coastal Engineering, Computing, Mathematical Sciences and Mechanical, Marine and Materials Engineering:

I also have a YouTube (Presentation) Video for just my Project along with a playlist of separate videos and lots more on my University YouTube channel. Links below as well:

(Presentation) Video:

Separate Videos Playlist:

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My Channel

My Channel

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